
I’m typically not the one to go out and try an all vegan restaurant, but Gloria wanted to see what Burly’s was all about so I decided to go along for the ride. Burly’s is a small little restaurant that serves vegan food, craft cocktails and drinks, and has a very eclectic feel. It’s certainly not a place that I would expect too much from… but Bruly’s is full of surprises.

The menu at Burly’s features a pretty large array of vegan food options. Small plates with hot chips, house kraut, and even dill pickles are available. We decided on trying their coin fries and quinoa fries. And I have to say to you that both of these dishes were absolutely incredible. The coin fries come with large coins cut from a whole potato. The coins are fried to a crisp and seasoned to perfection. I’d love to have these any day of the week as they were that good. Burly’s includes a couple of dipping sauces that you can also use to add some more flavor. I went with ketchup and their Coney Island mustard. The sauce additions were a great pairing for the coins - I was in heaven enjoying them.

The quinoa fries were something else entirely. These fried sticks of quinoa are the crunchiest and most satisfying things you’ll have. I didn’t expect much, but I’d have to say that these were the biggest surprise hit for me. As with the coin fries, these come with your choice of two sauces. Choose carefully because there are a number of great choices for you. These sauces aren’t just afterthoughts, they are a stars in and of themselves.

For main dishes, I had the Nashville hot ‘chicken’ sandwich while Gloria went with the dressed up po’ boy. Being a vegan restaurant, the Nashville hot ‘chicken’ was actually mushroom. I’m very glad the main part of the dish was not a synthetic meat substitute. The mushroom actually looked a lot like chicken should. The crunch was there and so was the Nashville hot flavor. This sandwich was delicious! The mushrooms were thick and hearty, and if you are a mushroom fan, they will be right up your alley. Did I miss the chicken? Well, maybe a little, but this was the best vegan version of a chicken sandwich that I had ever had.

Gloria’s po’ boy looked just as it should. It also featured mushrooms as the main portion of the dish, but these were corn fried oyster mushrooms. A drizzle of lemon and she was off enjoying her meal. We both commented on how stunned we were with the food here. It was unreal!

As for drinks, I ordered my usual Coke, but they actually make all their own sodas in house. My soda ended up being a very refreshing and slightly herbal tasting concoction. Gloria went with their mai tai and she found it to be a very special drink. In fact, I’d say Burly’s is more of a bar restaurant and a perfect place to get a drink after a long day’s work.

The staff at the restaurant was top notch and friendly. I definitely had questions about the food items and they were all answered expertly by the staff there.

The only thing that may dissuade visitors to Burly’s is the location. Burly’s is in a pretty sketchy neighborhood. In fact, when I was parking I almost ran into a lady set up on the curb. I wasn’t sure what she was doing, but I don’t even know if she registered me as I pulled in. Just make sure you watch yourself if you’re in this part of town. I’m totally serious.

But is Burly’s worth the visit? Hell yes.

Website: www.burlybeverages.com

Address: 2014 Del Paso Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95815

Rating: A

You’ll be in for a very pleasant surprise when you come to Burly’s for a meal!


The Porch

